Tag Archives: Orange the World

2016 “Orange the World” Campaign Video Message: Day 13

Here is Indrani’s “Day 13” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Today, Indrani wants to speak directly to those of you experiencing violence in your homes.  You can decide to end violence within your four walls.  #my4walls #brightlife #16days

Please share this video on social media! You can find our Facebook page at “Indrani’s Light.”  You can access all #16days of personal video messages from Indrani.

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days


*Meditate With Indrani *
recording series

Click here to access her FREE meditations

[Meditate with Indrani}

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Live A Brighter Life
online workshop series

Click here to access our FREE online recordings

[Live A Brighter Life}

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Send us to Houston
for the
“Caregiver Project”

Click here to support us with a click of a button

[The Caregiver Project}

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Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 11

Here is Indrani’s “Day 11” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is how to find a way to make “non-violence” as powerful as violence seems to be.  Take a look …..

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 9

Here is Indrani’s “Day 9” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is to think about what you can do in your own life to help bring peace into our world, and “do it.” . …. take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s Light Foundation Is Joining Forces With United Nations Women: Day 1

Orange the World image 3

Indrani has stepped up her activism, yet again, and is joining forces with UN Women to help promote their “Orange the World” campaign.

Here is the campaign message from the United Nations “UNiTE”:

The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign invites

governments, UN agencies, civil society organizations and individuals

from all countries of the world to mark the days between 25 November and 10 December

(the 16 Days of Activism) by coming together to step up efforts to end violence against women and girls.  

We invite you to “ORANGE THE WORLD: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS” BY participating in and organizing “orange events” in support of the UNiTE Campaign.

THIS YEAR WE WANT TO KEEP THE WORLD ORANGE THROUGHOUT THE 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM and we invite you to consider organizing your activities not only on 25th November but on the other days too.

Join us, take action, orange the world, keep it orange for days, and call for political commitments to be matched with meaningful ACTION and adequate RESOURCES to end

violence against women and girls worldwide.”


                                                                                                         ~ UN Women


Indrani will be posting a personal video message almost every day of this 16-Day campaign, calling for action to end violence against women and girls.  Here is Indrani’s first campaign video and “Call to Action” for YOU!

Join us on Twitter @indranis_light   #orangetheworld  #16days


Love & Light,


Team ILF