Brighter Life Bits #23: What are your triggers?

ILF_Wtagline_Logo rgbYou can listen to the original teaching at the 55 minute mark of the Class 3 recording. You can download the audio from iTunes here  or from the ILF website here.

What are your triggers?  What circumstances bring you straight to shame?

Grab your journal or open a word document on your computer and write the following statement to yourself:

“I want to be perceived as ……”

Now write the following statement:

“What I DON’T want to be perceived as …..”

Examples of shame :

Body type, skin color, sexual orientation, class, religion

This exercise is a gentle way to recognize the power that these triggers have over you, and to understand that power.  It’s a process and needs practice.

Share your experience with how these exercises worked for you in the comments of this post.