All posts by Amy Jaffe

Being vulnerable……

ILF_Wtagline_Logo rgbIndrani’s Light Foundation teaches a free workshop series called Live-A-Brigher-Life.  (You can listen to the free podcast series here.) In one of our lessons, “Finding Resilience,” we teach you how to ask for help, and that being vulnerable can free your shame, humiliation, guilt, or embarrassment.  We also teach Brené Brown’s strong belief in the power of empathy, and how you can understand another person’s feelings.

Here is a short story recently told by Indrani that may help you understand.

Indrani was recently in New York City and finally got the opportunity to climb up to the crown of the Statue of Liberty.

Being vulnerable.

“This was the step count up to the Crown of lady liberty.

I sometimes get claustrophobia.

Half way up I could not breathe and started to freak out.

My dear friend, Eva, came down to me and started to help me breathe.
Big deep breaths.

My dear Erik started telling me about the firm construction of the statue.

My new friend Yuki stayed close and was ready to support my ascent.

3 amazing people when I needed them.

I made it with a smile on my face.

I am so grateful.

The lesson?

Ask for help.

Accept the help.

Be grateful for angels around.”

 How does this story resonate with you?  Would you ask for help from trusted friends in this scenario? Or would you have tried to “tough it through” and suffered the entire way up the stairway?  These three friends came to Indrani’s aid with empathy and with no judgment.

Maybe the story is different for you.  Who can you reach out to if you are being abused?

A parent? 

A best friend? 

A counselor?

A religious community member?

A sibling?

A coach?

Who is trustworthy, nonjudgmental, and patient?  Who can you entrust with your story?  Reach out to them today.  Not tomorrow, not next week….. but today.  Speak your shame.  Speak your truth.  It’s time to feel safe again, don’t you think?

If you, or someone you know need resources to get help, have them visit our webpage at



Brighter Life Bit #29: What is Self-Care?

ILF_Wtagline_Logo rgbWelcome to this Brighter Life Bit #29. For this lesson, you can listen to the original teaching at the 24 minute mark of the Class 5 recording. You can download the audio from the ILF website here.

What is the definition of Self-Care? And what is the intention?

Exercise: Take out your journal. Write down 3 things you can do EVERY day to practice self care.

Examples: Take a walk
Ask a family member to cook dinner
Go to tea with a friend

“Doing Self-Care is preventative medicine…”
~ Andrea J. Lee | Indrani’s Light Foundation Goodwill Ambassador

Share your experience with us. What did you choose to do to practice self-care? Share your comments below this post.

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 16

Here is Indrani’s “Day 16” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

This is Indrani’s final “Orange the World” video message with Day 16 of activism upon us.  But we must continue gender activism.  What is “gender activism” you ask? Indrani defines it here …. take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 15

Here is Indrani’s “Day 15” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani wants to remind us that we may be “small rocks” in the world …. but we can get together and make a rock wall to hold up the world, and end violence against women and girls!  Take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 14

Here is Indrani’s “Day 14” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani wants to remind you that if anyone expects you to be silent about things that have happened to you, then they are not your friend.  Brené Brown says that telling your story, ends the shame.  Take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 13

Here is Indrani’s “Day 13” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani doesn’t know how to scale a rock wall, but she could learn!  Her “call to action” today is to learn how to end violence.  We can learn to scale this huge obstacle…. take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 12

Here is Indrani’s “Day 12” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani is traveling in Europe and heard about another mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA.  Take a look at her “call to action.”

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 11

Here is Indrani’s “Day 11” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is how to find a way to make “non-violence” as powerful as violence seems to be.  Take a look …..

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 10

Here is Indrani’s “Day 10” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is a bold one! If you are spanking your children …. Please STOP!  Let us parent with love and respect.  Take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 9

Here is Indrani’s “Day 9” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is to think about what you can do in your own life to help bring peace into our world, and “do it.” . …. take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days