Tag Archives: thrive

Brighter Life Bit #32: The Difference between Surviving and Thriving

ILF_Wtagline_Logo rgbWelcome to Brighter Life Bit #32.  For this lesson, you can listen to the original teaching at the 56:40 minute mark of the Class 5 recording. You can download the audio from the ILF website here.

What is the difference between surviving and thriving?  Which would you choose?


  • Which one have you been choosing?
  • Can you recognize when you are surviving rather than thriving?
  • What can you do to begin to thrive?


  • Write down a list of things you can do to begin to thrive.
  • Now get on your calendar and schedule a massage, or a walk every other day, or go have that tea date with your friend you haven’t seen in awhile who lights you up.

Take action, and begin to THRIVE, not survive.

Share your experience with us.  What action will you take to thrive in life? Share your comments below this post.